How professional is your business writing really?

Have an expert brush up your writing and learn how to write emails, reports, memos and minutes of meetings with confidence in three individual intensive half-day workshops.

IELTS Exam Preparation

Business language and skills necessary for the interactive style of the MBA course are taught. These skills include language of meetings, proposing, giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, presenting information, writing reports and assignments. Up-to-date course material covering relevant business areas and theory is used.

The IELTS exam is often a prerequisite for entry to an MBA course for non-native speakers of English. This Cambridge exam covers writing assignments and reports, listening and speaking. Comprehensive exam training is given and involves a commitment to complete homework assignments.

Official IELTS-website:

This course helps prepare for taking part in an MBA programme.

Contact for Enquiries

Please contact our course coordinator on 06 156 94 629.

Alternatively, you can mail us (contact form).